Tuesday, May 17, 2011

new POST , new link and whatever ;)

Okay , mulai sekarang . I will post to my blog about vintage . Example , vintage stamps , shoes , clothes and etc.

Today , I want to post about stamp history . I find it at WIKIPEDIA . Thanks a lot , wiki :)


On April 13, 1998, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and the E-Stamp Corporation unveiled forbeta testing the E-Stamp Internet postage system, aimed at providing digitally encoded postage franks or stamps via the Internet. At the launch in 1998, the Postmaster General at that time, Marvin T. Runyon, described his vision of postage being "available, on call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
Founded in 1996, Stamps.com is the brainchild of Jim McDermott, Ari Engelberg and Jeff Green. E-Stamp was the first company to get USPS approval for beta testing and successfully brought internet postage to market, but the company did not survive the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000. In 2001 its domain and patents were bought by a fellow early entrant in the digital postage market, Stamps.com.
In the fall of 2003, Microsoft released a beta version of its office productivity suite of programs, which includes an electronic postage capacity through Stamps.com.
In August 2004, Stamps.com introduced PhotoStamps. This service allows computer users to upload their own photos or graphics, which Stamps.com then prints on custom postage stamps(personalised stamps). This had been preceded by Stamps.com having various pictures on its E-stamps, including U.S. presidents Jefferson, Kennedy, Lincoln, TR and Washington, people playing various sports, and world landmarks.
There was considerable negative publicity immediately after the inception of PhotoStamps, when investigative website The Smoking Gunpublicized various stamp designs they had successfully ordered featuring images of Jimmy Hoffa, spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, and theDNA-stained blue dress of Monica Lewinsky.[2] Stamps.com's current policy prohibits images of world leaders or "any material that is vintage in appearance or depicts images from an older era."

I also have stamps collection at my home . I will capture it when I have free time :))))

Vintage Stamps (picture)
Girls Scout Stamp

Vintage Malaysian Stamps

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